Friday, April 07, 2006

Can the Mavs rattle the Spurs?

Tuning up for their expected second-round meeting, the Mavs and Spurs will duke it out tonight in the shadow of the Alamo. Dallas, as usual, comes to the court without a full complement of players. Of course, they've been missing 1-2 of their top 8 players for nearly every game this season, so what else is new?

The one absent component who should return by playoff time is Devin Harris, he of the 20-point 4th quarter outburst against the Spurs in the lone Mavs win against them this season. Harris is Tony Parker-lite, and the Mavs just aren't the same without him. Still, no more excuses; they need to demonstrate the ability to scare the Spurs a little tonight.

Thinking back to the last time the Spurs lost a series, even that one appeared to be the Spurs' for the taking. San Antonio beat the ancient all-star Lakers squad twice in Texas before blowing the next 2 in LA, but after Duncan hit what appeared to be the winning shot in game 5 with less than a second left, Derek Fisher killed them. He stole the game with a sick fadeaway and the Spurs couldn't recover emotionally.

The Spurs don't lose their cool very often, but when they do, they lack the ability to get it back. There's no fiery teammate who gets in everyone's faces and challenges them to rebound from adversity. There's no coach willing to put his heart on his sleeve and give energy to his team. Maybe Manu Ginobili has what it takes to assume the role of motivator, but do you really see him making an emotional impact on Duncan? Or Bowen?

Rockets fans remember what it's like to have Jason Terry steal a win -- hell, a series -- and the Mavs have the capacity to be a thorn in the Spurs' collective side. Winning a game in SA, tonight or in the playoffs, won't rattle the Spurs. Stealing one the Spurs had in the bag just might.

Failing that, expect the stoic Spurs to calmly end the Mavs' season one more time.


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