Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Seeing red (and it ain't Clipper red or Michael Redd)

Still basking in the glow of another Mavericks win, I settled in to watch a few minutes of Clips/Bucks. LA was leading comfortably in the third, and Sam Cassell was thumbing his grotesque nose at my statistical claims of his incompetance by molesting TJ Ford in the post. I was duly impressed by their team-wide hustle and passing acumen.

Then their homer color announcer breaks out this one: "Seriously, is there another team in the West, other than the Spurs, who are better than the Clippers?" The play-by-play guy tries to cover: "Well, Dallas might make an argument." My new favorite guy in the universe retorts: "The Clippers have their number! That team doesn't scare me."


Response forthcoming.


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