Friday, November 18, 2005

Christie may be done (thank goodness)

The Dallas Morning News is reporting today that Doug Christie's gone to Seattle for a closer look at his ankle and that his options range from "resting the ankle for a brief time to retirement." Wow. 60 hours ago he was on the court and now he may have to retire.

As anyone who's seen Dallas knows, Christie's been getting killed on both ends of the floor. As the DMN pointed out, when the Mavs beat the Spurs, Christie was forced to guard Bruce Bowen because they couldn't risk him on Parker or Ginobli. And this was a guy Dallas was starting for his defensive presence? Marquis Daniels is a legit 2-guard in this league, and Stackhouse will return shortly. As we said at the beginning of the year, the Mavs did not, do not, and will not need Doug Christie unless he can bring elite perimeter defense to the floor.

And can we do something about all of the "DNP - Coach's Decision"s in the boxscore? Doug was officially listed as precisely that last night, but what part of that decision was Avery's? Given that Doug was on a plane to Seattle, I'm going to venture that the decision was more up to time and space than the Little General. The NBA needs more clarity on who's out because they suck like a jet engine (Jerome James) and who's out because they're broken (Doug Christie).

Well, Doug, if this is it, best of luck. If and when Jackie goes OJ on you, we'll be sure to prosecute on your behalf. [Insert lame hand signal of affection]

Devotion. Domination. Light arson.

Calvin Klein's Obedience.


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