Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Opening Night Observations

TNT Pregame

Reggie Miller instead of Magic Johnson? Boing! Reggie acquits himself well, even making the objective pick of Deh-twah in the East. Turns out the mild earthquake initially reported in Indiana was just 147,000 people simultaneously dropping dead from stab wounds in the back.

Doug Collins went platinum blonde. Since when did this become the preferred expression of midlife crisis? Can’t he just drink?

Giving pointers to Danny Granger on becoming the next Reggie, Scot Pollard reminds him to “go to the hole real soft” and “shoot with two hands like this -- [effeminate tossing motion] ‘Two hands! Yay!’ “

Spurs Ring Ceremony

“We’re not going to fall for a banana in the tailpipe.”
-Tim Duncan

Featured game: Bucks 117, Sixers 108 (OT)

Wow, Bogut looks 100% legit at PF next to Magloire. Nice help D, good box-outs on Webber, took multiple charges. Got stuck on AI in OT and made him give up the ball. Finished after hard fouls from Webber on two separate OT possessions. Didn’t complain when one wasn’t called. Gakked on a great alley-oop from TJ Ford for the only blemish I saw on his night.

Bogut shined, but it was the TJ Ford coming-out party. What his near-triple-double might not tell you:
-Iverson had a big evening, but Ford made him work extremely hard for it. Very active hands, stayed in front, and fought through picks all night.
-He’s just faster than everyone else in the league, even AI. In a 5 point game with less than 2 minutes left in the 4th, he got a rebound and went coast-to-coast in 4.6 seconds for an easy lay-up through a set defense. Please re-read that if you aren’t impressed (or want to know why you should get a DVR).
-He's developed an incredible crossover, though he sent it off a defender’s foot at a crucial time.
-And he still has ice water in his veins. Worked the clock down to nothing before setting up Redd’s 3 to send the game to OT.

Sixers look okay as long as Webber’s fresh. Any bets on how long that lasts? Whatever your number, I’ll take the under.

The Bucks:
-Are now 6-0 in Philly on NBA opening nights. No, I’m not kidding.
-Will not be on national TV at all, which is all y’all’s loss.
-Are easily my second-favorite team now.

Other observations on the evening:

The Kings/Hornets game told me nothing about the Hornets and everything about the Kings.

Chris Paul looks a little out of control all the time, but he can shoot. Hit a 3 from 3 ft behind the line to beat the clock in the 2nd when it was still close.

Did I just hear the Violent Femmes being played over the loudspeaker in Oklahoma City? And did they just follow it up with “Billy Jean?” And here I thought that was Toby Keith KKKountry.

Carmelo looks reborn. Strong enough to finish a layup through Duncan and Mohammed, fast enough to embarrass Bowen with a sick crossover.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when was Terrance Howard in the previews for the 50 Cent movie? You can’t just go around digitally inserting guys like that, can you?

A fresh Finley in the 4th doesn't hurt. Unless it's one of his cold nights. But for now, the Mavericks South are happy to have him.

And the Mavs? Well, I just about broke my remote after our fifth charge in the first half, so, yeah. Looking good. More about them later.


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