Monday, October 31, 2005

D'Antoni can go eff himself

This week's Sports Illustrated features a by Jack McCallum, who got to spend a week working as a Phoenix Suns assistant coach. McCallum writes of a behind-closed-doors comment uttered by Suns coach Mike D'Antoni: " 'We've got to find a way to get to 100,' he says. 'We don't score 100, we're Dallas.' He means a good but not great offensive team doomed, in all likelihood, never to get out of the Western Conference."

“We’re Dallas?” Let me tell you something, you simpering cardboard cutout of a coach: in a month you’ll be weeping and blowing your nose on your porn ‘stache, wishing you were Dallas. You want 100, do you? Good effing luck. Amare’s riding around the gym in a power chair, and let me assure you, Steve Nash’s got one on order. Here’s another newsflash: no matter how many times you spot him up on the wing, Kurt Thomas won’t hit a three. No, I know, you have this textured, multi-layered gameplan of 4 dudes standing around the arc while Nash penetrates, and it’s probably all Kurt’s fault (and Brian Grant’s fault, and Boris Diaw’s fault) that he isn’t receptive to your “coaching,” but your wildly innovative schemes might come up a bit short in 05-06. So polish up your Matt-Dillon® brand capped teeth, Mikey; maybe if you reflect enough flash bulbs back in their eyes, the reporters won’t notice those pee stains on your pants this year.

So, yeah, I'm a Mavs fan. And I can be as objective as the next guy, but when a fraud like D'Antoni drops the hammer on my team, I stand and fight.


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