Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why Cali NBA sucks

I'm more of a federalist than a states' rights guy (unless we have an evil, dictatorial President from, um, some place or other), but this blog was started with a regional slant, and what better way to cement that than ripping some other region's NBA product?

Not that California doesn't deserve it. It does. Disagree? See if you think so after we review its NBA shortcomings...

5) Kwame Brown

Man, I hate quitters. Kwame will start out on fire just like he does in the first six weeks of every season, and the media will start slobbering all over Phil's coaching genius. But at some point, he'll go right back in the tank -- I mean, he staged a sickout against his own team during his first-ever playoffs. Maybe it's Jordan's fault for riding him so hard, but I don't know that Kobe, Phil, and the LA spotlight will be any easier on this weak-minded simp.

4) Rick Adelman

I nearly got option paralysis trying to choose from all the "Rick Adelman face" variations out there. Seriously, has anyone done less with more in the last 5 years (well, other than Kwame with his own talent)? Webber was dominant, and even if he faded in the clutch, guys like Bibby and Peja couldn't wait to step up in the last seconds of a game. Christie, Vlade, and Bobby Jackson were all lethal in various ways, too. There's no reason to hate Adelman, but he sure does suck.

3) The Golden State Brass

Chris Mullin is schizophrenic. That's the only explanation I can give. He hired Mike Montgomery, a doddering Rick Adelman impersonator who said the following after his first year in the NBA: "It was difficult. Everything happened so fast. You don't have as much time to correct the things that you don't do well." Sounds like a keeper! He gave huge deals to Adonal Foyle and Derek Fisher. He drafted (and just re-upped for $9 mil per) Mike Dunleavy. Of course, Mullin also dealt for Baron Davis, drafted sleeper studs like Troy Murphy and Ike Diogu (though they play the same position), has shown patience developing Jason Richardson, and managed to get his hands on the best name in the league: Zarko Cabarkapa. So, I guess kudos to "good Chris" for fighting against the crippling moves of "bad Chris," but major minuses to ownership for not properly medicating him.

2) Jerry Buss's hair.

Boy, you got a purty shirt, too.



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